
科比妻子凡妮莎首度发声 无法形容我们的痛苦

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科比妻子凡妮莎首度发声 无法形容我们的痛苦


My girls and I want to thank the millions of people who’ve shown support and love during this horrific time. Thank you for all the prayers. We definitely need them. We are completely devastated by the sudden loss of my adoring husband, Kobe — the amazing father of our children; and my beautiful, sweet Gianna — a loving, thoughtful, and wonderful daughter, and amazing sister to Natalia, Bianka, and Capri. 

我和我的女儿要感谢数百万在这个为难时刻表现出的支持和爱心的人们,谢谢你的祈祷,我们绝对需要它们。我崇拜的丈夫科比突然离世,我们感到万分沮丧,科比是我们孩子的了不起的父亲; 还有我美丽,甜美的吉安娜(Gianna)-一个充满爱心,体贴而又出色的女儿,还有我的纳塔利娅(Natalia),比安卡(Bianka)和卡普里(Capri)的出色姊妹。

We are also devastated for the families who lost their loved ones on Sunday, and we share in their grief intimately.

对于周日失去亲人的另外两个家庭,我们也感到沮丧,我们与他们共同分享悲伤。There aren’t enough words to describe our pain right now. I take comfort in knowing that Kobe and Gigi both knew that they were so deeply loved. We were so incredibly blessed to have them in our lives. I wish they were here with us forever. They were our beautiful blessings taken from us too soon.

直到现在还没有足够的词语来形容我们的痛苦。我深知科比和吉吉都都深深地爱着他们。我们真是太幸运了。我希望他们永远和我们在一起。他们是我们从我们这里得到的美好祝福。I’m not sure what our lives hold beyond today, and it’s impossible to imagine life without them. But we wake up each day, trying to keep pushing because Kobe, and our baby girl, Gigi, are shining on us to light the way. Our love for them is endless — and that’s to say, immeasurable. I just wish I could hug them, kiss them and bless them. Have them here with us, forever.

我不确定今天以后我们的生活会怎样,我也无法想象没有他们的生活该是怎样,但是我们每天都醒来,试图继续努力,因为科比和我们的女婴吉吉(Gigi)照着我们照亮道路。我们对他们的爱是无止境的,也就是说,这是无法估量的。我只是希望我能拥抱他们,亲吻他们并祝福他们。永远把它们放在我们这里。Thank you for sharing your joy, your grief and your support with us. We ask that you grant us the respect and privacy we will need to navigate this new reality.

感谢您与我们分享您的喜悦,悲伤和支持。我们要求您给予我们尊重和保护我们在新现实中驾驭的权利。To honor our Team Mamba family, the Mamba Sports Foundation has set up the MambaOnThree Fund to help support the other families affected by this tragedy. To donate, please go to MambaOnThree.org.

 为了纪念曼巴队的家人,曼巴体育基金会成立了MambaOnThree基金,以帮助支持受此悲剧影响的其他家庭。要捐赠,请访问:MambaOnThree.org。To further Kobe and Gianna’s legacy in youth sports, please visit MambaSportsFoundation.org.


Thank you so much for lifting us up in your prayers, and for loving Kobe, Gigi, Natalia, Bianka, Capri and me.




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